
Outputs PLAYS Platform On PLAYS platform you can discover more about about how and what physical activities children aged 6-12 should practice so that they can spend their time in a way that contributes to their well-being and a harmonious physical and mental...


Outputs PLAYS Guide This guide contains educational materials, nutritional and pedagogical tips, to be disseminated among all members involved and all possible stakeholders. Download the document What’s inside? 30 non-formal methods for supporting the...


Outputs PLAYS Programme The programme is designed to bring a healthy balance to the lives of our children and those who guide them. It is called “Practical Learning to Advance Youngsters in Sport” (PLAYS) and is the result of collaboration among 9 partners...

Needs’ Analysis

Outputs Needs’ Analysis As noted in the EU Guidelines on Physical Activity, the daily habits of young children have changed in recent years due to new leisure patterns (TV, internet, video games, smartphones, etc.) and this has led to a decrease in their...


Outputs Survey The PLAYS consortium would like to invite you to share your knowledge and experiences through this survey. It only takes a few minutes to be filled in. Furthermore, the data entered in this survey are anonymous and in line with the GDPR guidelines....